The J must stand for joke is the first thing I thought of. I stumbled on a you tube clip of this "Clown J" as I was trying to gather materials to help my students better learn English. Then I got an epiphany!! This is exactly what I am doing here. Not only am I here to teach English to Korean kids, but I'm also here to teach them that black culture/hip hop culture isn't about diamond chains and big rims. I have nothing against Koreans embracing hip hop as a culture. But taking the worse elements of a culture and projecting those images to a culture that is already xenophobic is what I have a problem with. Then he has the audacity to sprinkle a few brothas in the video as to give it our "stamp" of approval!! I guess I really cant be mad at him for making this bullshit when that is what 80 percent of to days rap music is (Rap not Hip Hop). At least the Japanese have for the longest time embraced the whole culture of hip hop, and not just the material aspect of it.
How do you suppose I tell them that this shit is grade A USDA Garbage!!?? One thing I will say is that Koreans support Koreans. They don't know shit about US Football, but they all know Hines Ward. So for me to talk about this crap is like cuttin my own neck!! Its no different then when the US Government puts a black face on white supremacy, turns it into a politician, makes it run for president, and now every black person has some allegiance to it?? (I might get killed for this one!!)